The process of sending goods in e-commerce is not just a matter of sending goods from the seller to the buyer. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes from order entry to delivery. 

In e-commerce business, customers pay for a product without seeing the product first, they entrust it to you. Only after the product is delivered can you provide an experience for consumers and build their trust. Also make sure you send the product in a timely and certainly economical manner.

It is also very important to earn big profits to survive in the e-commerce business in the long term. And the only way to get big profits is to get lots of customers.

A study reveals that as much as 40% – 45% of profits earned by e-commerce are through repeat orders from customers. Therefore, it is very important for you to be able to retain customers to get profits and be superior to competitors. There are many shipping solutions that companies should take advantage of to increase their sales and profits.



The importance of delivery solutions

The delivery process is your opportunity to be able to connect directly with customers because they will only know the quality of the product you are selling after they receive it. The delivery partner you use has a big role in building your brand reputation.

Nearly 60% of consumers choose to buy from e-commerce that has good and reliable delivery services. It is very important to have a delivery solution for e-commerce in order to grow your business and earn big profits. Using a good shipping solution can also help you track every activity that exists.

Here are some examples of shipping solutions that you can provide:

  • Cheaper shipping rates
  • Real-time tracking
  • Safe and timely delivery
  • Simpler delivery process
  • Improved delivery efficiency

Every company must have a shipping solution they can offer to retain customers and increase their business income.


5 delivery solutions for e-commerce

Here are 5 shipping solutions that you can provide to be able to retain consumers and increase income.


Easy interface and payments

The actual delivery experience takes place at checkout. Having an easy and simple checkout process can add value to you. The product checkout process should be simple, transparent, and user-friendly, so there’s nothing to hide.

In addition, you can also use a logistics aggregator or delivery partner who can provide many shipping services to consumers. This allows them to adjust to their budget and needs.

Thus, consumers will make repeat purchases in the future and increase your income.

Free shipping

Although providing free shipping to consumers makes a company more likely to lose money, it is the best way to retain customers. 96% of consumers choose to buy from a company that offers free shipping. You also have to do the same thing to be able to increase sales and income.

There are many ways to offer free shipping, such as by setting a price limit, and so on. If you are an e-commerce business owner, you should try to provide free shipping to consumers.

Provide personalized information

Providing personalized information such as notifications regarding product updates to consumers can increase the value of your brand in the eyes of customers. It’s also a great way to connect with consumers. There are many plugins that can automate the existing delivery process, so you can save time and build customer trust.

Better packaging

No customer wants to receive a product that is badly packaged or damaged. So, packaging is one of the best ways to attract customers and provide them with a satisfying shopping experience. So, you have to make sure to pack your products properly and safely so that your customers can have the best unboxing experience.

Selain itu, kemasan yang terlihat bagus secara estetis adalah cara beriklan yang baik karena orang suka berbagi pengalaman dengan orang lain dan dapat mempromosikan merek Anda melalui iklan dari mulut ke mulut.

Bangun proses pengiriman bermerek

Membangun proses pengiriman Anda adalah cara yang bagus untuk memberikan pengalaman berbelanja dan pengiriman yang sangat baik kepada pelanggan. Jadi, alih-alih menangani produk ke pihak ketiga untuk pengiriman, Anda harus mencoba membangun platform pengiriman sehingga pelanggan dapat melacak pesanan mereka dari halaman pelacakan Anda.

Jadi, membangun proses pengiriman bermerek Anda sendiri adalah cara yang bagus untuk memuaskan pelanggan dan meningkatkan retensi pelanggan.

Solusi yang disebutkan di atas adalah beberapa solusi pengiriman terbaik untuk eCommerce yang pasti akan membantu Anda meningkatkan penjualan dan memperoleh pendapatan besar.




Bangun Solusi Pengiriman yang Kuat dan Efektif untuk Mencapai Manfaat Besar

Strategi dan solusi pengiriman memiliki peran yang penting dalam perkembangan bisnis e-commerce. Memberikan solusi yang efektif mampu meningkatkan pemasukan dan retensi pelanggan yang lebih baik. Selain itu, juga bisa memperbaiki fungsi dan manajemen yang ada pada perusahaan.  Sebagai bisnis e-commerce, setiap perusahaan harus memberikan solusi pengiriman yang efektif untuk membangun hubungan yang kuat dengan pelanggan dan bisa memahami kebutuhan mereka.

Companies also have to maintain their level of progress before implementing a strategy because it will affect the income of a company.