Model hub-and-spoke atau point-to-point. Yang manakah yang harus kamu terapkan?
There has been a lot of discussion and discussion regarding the use of methods that you should use to ensure delivery services for e-commerce run effectively. The hub-and-spoke or point-to-point model are two different methods that are seen as contradictory to each...

10 plugin WooCommerce terbaik untuk bisnis online kamu
WooCommerce is an open-source based plugin integrated with WordPress that allows you to operate a WordPress website with e-commerce functions . WooCommerce allows you to manage inventory, payments, shipping goods, and manage payments safely and easily. With the recent...

Panduan menjual barang private label secara online
The sale of private label goods or private brand goods may sound foreign to our ears. But what if many goods that are known by children to parents are also private label goods? Selling an item throughout the country or even the world sounds pretty intimidating. It...

Semua hal mengenai sourcing dalam rantai pasok yang kamu harus tahu
Today, consumers are more informed than ever. They want their needs met immediately, otherwise they will look for other places that can meet their needs quickly. therefore, many organizations and companies are implementing fast and flexible supply chain practices to...

5 cara pimpinan rantai pasok membangun budaya kerja yang berkualitas
quality is not a mere project or coincidence, nor is it the implementation of something, or a program that can be achieved once or twice. Quality is a culture that must be empowered by leaders at all levels of the supply chain organization. The demand for high quality...

9 cara untuk meningkatkan manajemen rantai pasok
Supply chain management is an effective collaboration between several networks in a company that fulfill each other's needs. Supply chain maintenance is quite complicated, but if it can be done efficiently it can make a business grow very rapidly. Currently, supply...

Apa saja hal yang membuat mitra logistik cocok untuk pengiriman bagi e-commerce?
With the development of the e-commerce industry, logistics services are also experiencing developments that make it more complex and tiring than before. Even after going through a tough time due to the coronavirus, customers don't like waiting for their shipments. For...

Cara merubah slow moving inventory menjadi aset bagi bisnismu
Slow-moving inventory or slow-moving goods is a term used to describe an item that has been in stock for too long. However, the grouping of slow-moving goods is very dependent on the type of industry or economic sector of the goods. For example, goods that are not...

Keuntungan dan kelebihan content marketing
There is a quote that goes "Content is fire, social media is gasoline". To be able to compete in the digital era, it is necessary to use social media for marketing needs. Many big brands and companies are starting to use content to always connect with their audience...

5 hal yang kamu harus ketahui sebelum membuat kode SKU produk
When you start selling on e-commerce , you will often hear the term Stock Keeping Unit or SKU for short. SKU is a code on a product that is used to find out the stock of the item and manage inventory. Using SKU for each product will make it easier for you to manage...