Selling your handmade products online is the perfect opportunity for artisans. With the global market size of handicrafts expected to reach 1376.12 billion dollars by 2028, there has never been a better time to sell your unique creations online. Plus, the pandemic has driven more consumers to shop from the comfort of their own homes, and the demand for online shopping has skyrocketed. Not only is selling handicrafts online a great way to reach a wider audience, but it also allows you to sell directly to consumers without the need for middlemen or physical storefronts.

So, if you’re ready to turn your crafting hobby into a thriving online business, stick around! In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about selling handicrafts products online.


How to Sell Handicrafts Products Online?


Identifying Your Handicrafts Products

First and foremost, you’ll want to choose products that are unique, high-quality, and in demand. Take some time to research current market trends and identify potential gaps or niches that you can fill with your products. This could include products that are eco-friendly, personalized, or made with unusual materials. It’s also important to consider your target audience when identifying your handicrafts products. Consider factors such as age, gender, income, and interests when making these decisions.

As you identify your handicrafts products, it’s also important to consider your own strengths and preferences. What types of crafts are you most passionate about? What types of materials do you enjoy working with? By choosing products that align with your own interests and strengths, you’ll be more likely to enjoy the process of creating and selling your products.


Creating a Brand for Your Handicrafts Products

Your brand is more than just a logo or a name; it’s the personality and values of your business that sets you apart. To create a unique brand identity, you need to understand what makes your handicrafts products special. Think about the quality of your products, the materials you use, and the unique selling points that set you apart from other sellers. Your brand should reflect these qualities and resonate with your target audience.

Once you have a clear understanding of your brand identity and story, you can create a logo and tagline that reflect these qualities. Your logo should be simple, memorable, and easily recognizable, while your tagline should communicate your brand’s unique selling proposition in a concise and compelling way.


Setting Up An Online Store

Setting up an online store can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be an exciting opportunity to reach a wider audience and grow your business. Start with choosing the right eCommerce platform for your business. There are many options available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Your store’s design should reflect your brand and make it easy for customers to find and purchase your products. Make sure to include detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and pricing information to help customers make informed purchase decisions.

Payment and shipping options are also important to consider. You’ll need to set up payment options and consider using a payment processor such as PayPal or Stripe. Offering a range of shipping options can also help meet the needs of your customers.


Promoting Your Handicrafts Products Online

You’ve put a lot of hard work into creating your beautiful handicrafts products, but with so many online stores and eCommerce platforms out there, how can you make sure your products get noticed? The key is to promote your products effectively and reach as many potential customers as possible. utilizing paid advertising options can help to reach a wider audience and promote your products more effectively. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads allow you to target specific demographics and interests, making it easier to reach potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your products.

Building relationships with bloggers and influencers in your niche can also help to promote your products. Reach out to bloggers and influencers who share your values and ask if they would be interested in featuring your products on their platforms.


Managing Your Online Store and Customers

It’s crucial to keep track of your inventory and sales. Having a system in place for inventory management and tracking stock levels is essential, as it helps you avoid stockouts and ensure you have enough products to meet customer demand. Additionally, monitoring your sales data can help you make informed decisions about marketing and product offerings.


Top Tips to Sell Handicrafts Online


Offer a variety

By diversifying your product line, you can appeal to a wider range of interests and preferences, and potentially reach new customers who may not have been interested in your original offerings. Not only does offering a variety of products help attract new customers, but it can also encourage repeat business from existing customers. By expanding your product line, you give customers more reasons to return to your store and make additional purchases. If you’re the only seller offering a particular type of product, you may be able to attract customers who are specifically searching for that item.


Focus on SEO

SEO involves optimizing your website and content to make it easier for search engines like Google to understand what your website is about and show it to people who are searching for products like yours. Having a beautiful website and amazing products is just the beginning, to attract customers and drive sales, you need to focus on search engine optimisation, or SEO.

Make sure to include keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and tags. You can also use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to help you find relevant keywords to use on your website. By creating valuable content, you can increase your visibility on search engines and attract more potential customers to your online store. This can include blog posts, videos, and other content that showcases your products and expertise.


Have Great Photography

High-quality photos not only showcase your handicrafts products in the best possible light but also help to build trust with your audience. Poor-quality photos, on the other hand, can make your products look unappealing or low-quality and can turn customers away.

To take great product photos, start by investing in good lighting. Natural light is ideal, but if that’s not possible, consider investing in a lighting kit to help illuminate your products. Experiment with different angles and backgrounds to find the most flattering way to showcase your products.


Know Your Customer

Understanding your target audience can help you tailor your products and marketing strategies to meet their specific needs and preferences. This can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. Start by researching your target audience to determine their demographics, interests, and shopping habits. You can use tools like Google Analytics to gather data about your website visitors and social media followers.

Encourage customers to leave reviews on your website and social media pages, and take the time to respond to their comments and questions. You can also conduct surveys or polls to gather more detailed feedback about your products, pricing, and customer service.


Focus on Product Descriptions

When selling handicrafts online, having compelling product descriptions is just as important as having high-quality photos. Your product descriptions should be clear, informative, and engaging to entice potential customers to make a purchase. A well-written product description can also help improve your search engine rankings by including relevant keywords. To create effective product descriptions, start by thinking about your target customer and what pain points your product solves for them. Use descriptive language and storytelling to help the customer visualize the product and understand its unique features and benefits. You can also include technical specifications and details about the materials and craftsmanship.

Make sure to use proper grammar and spelling and consider formatting the description with bullet points or headings to make it easy to read.


Have Great Packaging

As an online seller of handicrafts, you may be focused on creating beautiful products, but don’t overlook the importance of packaging. The way your product is presented can greatly impact the perceived value of your items and influence whether a customer decides to make a purchase or not. Great packaging can also help protect your products during shipping and make a positive impression on the recipient. To make your packaging stand out, consider using unique materials or designs that align with your brand image. You can also add a personal touch by including a handwritten note or small gift with each order.



Be Useful on social media

Social media is an excellent platform for promoting your handicrafts and connecting with potential customers. One of the most important things to keep in mind when using social media to sell your products is to be useful. Instead of just constantly promoting your products, aim to create content that your followers will find valuable and informative. This could include tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks at your creative process, or tips for how to use your products in unique ways. By providing helpful content, you’ll not only build trust and loyalty with your followers, but you’ll also increase the visibility of your brand and products on social media.


Offer Custom Orders

By allowing customers to customize their orders, you can increase their loyalty to your brand and potentially increase your profit margins. To effectively manage custom orders, it’s important to communicate clearly with your customers about their specific needs and preferences. This may include discussing details such as colour, size, and materials. It’s important to set realistic timelines for the completion and delivery of custom orders.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for any online business, including those selling handicrafts. It’s a way to stay in touch with your customers, build relationships, and drive sales. To make the most of email marketing, it’s important to segment your audience and personalize your messages. This means dividing your customers into groups based on their interests, past purchases, or other factors, and tailoring your emails to each group. For example, you might send different emails to customers who have bought different types of products or who have different interests.


Tell Your Story

In today’s market, customers are increasingly interested in not only the products they purchase but the story behind them. Sharing your story can help your customers connect with your brand on a deeper level and establish trust. This is especially important when selling handicrafts online, where there may be many other sellers offering similar products.

When crafting your brand story, it’s important to focus on the unique aspects of your business that set it apart from others. Consider the inspiration behind your products, the techniques or materials you use, or the values that drive your business. Sharing personal anecdotes or experiences can also help make your story more relatable and engaging.




Now you know everything, so what are you waiting for, take the first step in making your handicrafts business a reality. While it may seem daunting at first, setting up an online store can be a rewarding and profitable way to share your talents with the world.

Remember that each tip is just one piece of the puzzle, and success will require a combination of all these strategies. Make sure to take the time to do each step carefully and thoughtfully.




Is online handicraft business profitable?

Yes, an online handicraft business can be profitable, but it depends on various factors such as the quality of products, pricing, marketing strategies, and customer demand. With the rise of ecommerce business and the increasing popularity of handmade products, there is a significant opportunity for artisans and crafters to reach a wider audience and sell their products online.


What handicrafts sell best?

Some of the most popular handicrafts that sell well in India include textiles, brassware, and wooden handicrafts. Textiles such as sarees, shawls, and fabrics with intricate embroidery and weaving designs are in high demand. Brassware items such as lamps, statues, and decorative pieces are also in high demand. wooden handicrafts such as carved furniture, figurines, and home decor items are also popular due to their traditional and ethnic appeal.